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"Let me guess. A five-man crew this time. As usual a bit light...
There's gonna be one speed: mine. If you can't keep up, don't step up."
The Chronicles of Riddick
"Let me guess. A five-man crew this time. As usual a bit light...
There's gonna be one speed: mine. If you can't keep up, don't step up."
The Chronicles of Riddick

"Maledetti" - "Mad for Finance"
Pavia' Finance unofficial page
powered but not hedged
by Finance University of Pavia
Naxos Capital Management
Coverbridge Project
"The worthwhile problems are the ones you can really solve or help solve, the ones you can really contribute something to. ... No problem is too small or too trivial if we can really do something about it..."
Richard P. Feynman
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